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Rheems Athletic Association

Code of Conduct

Rheems Athletic Association is making a conscientious effort to improve the standard of behavior both on and off the field. We want to create a positive atmosphere and provide a constant example of sportsmanship at all times to bring out the best in our young players. Please play your part by agreeing to abide by the guidelines below.

Parents agree to support the kids in honoring the player code of conduct.
Parents must refrain from verbal abuse of players, coaches, referees, opponents and spectators.
Parents will discuss constructive concerns regarding coach, players or association policy with the coach first, then Program coordinator and finally soccer commissioner.
Parents may suggest new ideas and constructive suggestions about our program via e-mail to [email protected]
Parents will refrain from “coaching” from the sidelines.

I will attend and be on time to practices and games.
I will work hard during practices to improve my skills and to gain a better understanding of the game.
I understand the amount of playing time I receive in games and tournaments will be based on my skills, efforts in practice, and attitude.
I will respect and encourage my teammates in games and in practices.
I will respect my coaches and understand the decisions they make are in the best interest of the team.
I will respect the referees.
I will have a positive attitude.
I will never quit and always work hard.
I will demonstrate sportsmanship at all times.
I will not be boastful when we win and I will gracious when we lose.
I will not use foul or abusive language. I will not be disrespectful or rude to officials, opponents, spectators or teammates.

Please remember that Rheems Athletic Association is a 100% volunteer organization. Please respect the coach’s decisions and understand that the travel program is not an equal playing time program. When talking to the coaches, please do so with respect and in private.
I understand that any violation of the parent/player code of conduct may result in disciplinary action which will be at the discretion of the commissioners.

RAA Player/Guardian Contract & Consent Form

We agree to abide by all rules and regulations set forth by Rheems Athletic Associate (RAA) and to demonstrate proper sportsmanship to opponents, coaches, officials, and fans in accordance with RAAs policies. We understand that failure to comply with RAA rules, regulations and policies can result in the loss of participating and/or attending any RAA sponsored functions as a player and/or spectator.

We attest that the player is of sound physical condition, fully capable of engaging in the requested activity (sport). We agree to notify the appropriate sports commissioner and coach of any known medical conditions and limitations that may require special attention and/or consideration. As the legal parent/guardian I have given my consent and permission for the player to play and travel as required by the activity selected.

We consent to having the player engage in the selected activity with the understanding that it involves contact and the potent for injury. We release the association, league, sponsors, coaches, players, officials, and any individual connected with the activity from any liability for any injury that may occur.

We understand that all equipment and uniforms issued to the player is the property of RAA and shall be returned clean and in good working order at the conclusion of the activity or when requested by the appropriate coach and/or commissioner. Failure to do will result in the parent/guardian being billed for the replacement of cost of the unreturned item(s).

Contact Us

Rheems Athletic Association

PO Box 26 
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022

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