Rheems AA is an all volunteer organization – and it takes a lot of volunteers to run all of our programs. Without volunteers, we cannot offer the number of programs you’d like or staff them to the levels they deserve. There are opportunities for everyone – those that know soccer and those that don’t. We can and do train – new coaches, coordinators, schedulers, etc.
Elizabethtown United offers three soccer programs - an exclusively in-house (intramural) program for the youngest players, a LARS recreational program, and a CPYSL travel program. Please see below to find out more details on each of the programs as well as other important information. A list of all documents referenced are at the bottom of this page.
Both CPYSL and LARS leagues determines age groups based on Birth year. See Age Group Break down tab for more information as to what age group your player would participate in. Age Group Breakdown
CPYSL birth years for next years age groups (2024/2025) are as follows:
2016/2017 - U9;
2015 - U10;
2014 - U11;
2013 - U12;
2012 - U13;
2011 - U14;
2010 - U15;
2009 - U16;
2008 - U17;
2007 - U18,
2006 - U19
- Our youngest age groups – U-6 and U-8 programs (see the Soccer Ages link to determine how they are calculated and the corresponding age restrictions within the soccer programs)
- Parents lead the charge as coaches, snack schedulers, etc and yes we can train you
- Neither age group keeps score – it’s about the kids playing and learning, not about winning or losing
- Players need a water bottle, a #3 ball, and a desire to learn and have some fun
- For more info see U6-U8 Development program
- For soccer ages U-10 through U-19. For the age group your player would play in, please see Age Group Breakdown page
- Parents lead the charge as coaches, and yes we can train you, and reimburse you for any coach trainings/certifications/licenses.
- Practice twice a week for 1.5 hours, weekday evenings with games on the weekend (boys on Saturday and girls on Sunday)
- Fall games start the weekend after Labor Day and last until first weekend in November.
- Spring games start in April and last until first weekend after Memorial day
- Practices and games are conducted on RAA owned facilities – as well as satellite fields we rent/have loaned to us – West Donegal, EASD, etc
- Games are held across Lancaster County – half home/half away
- Boys and girls play in Lancaster Area Recreational Soccer (LARS)
- Girls and boys abide by FIFA/USYS rules, with some league level exceptions
- Practices start roughly a month before the season starts
- Rec does not conduct tryouts – all are welcome, so long as we have room on the roster
- Rosters are not technically capped; team sizes can be large; but if we have enough registered players and a coach, then we will add another team within that age group.
- Teams are single gender, though girls may play on the boys’ teams – but boys cannot play on girls’ teams
- Field play -
- U-10s play 7v7
- U-12’s play 9v9
- U-15’s play 11v11s
- U-19’s play 11v11
- Rosters are not technically capped; team sizes can be large; but if we have enough registered players and a coach, then we will add another team within that age group.
- Parents provide the shin guards, and shoes (sneakers/cleats – no metal spikes)
- Players are required to have a complete Elizabethtown United Rec soccer uniform – jerseys (blue), shorts, and socks – and a team’s uniform may carry over from season to season, can be passed down/traded – and if needed must be ordered after player registration. Cost of uniform is not included in registration cost. (See Uniform tab for more information - Uniform Information)
- Players need a water bottle and a desire to learn and have some fun;
- U-10 & U12 players need a #4 ball, while the U-15 & 19 players need a #5 ball
- Teams typically participate in one (end of the season) tournament, with RAA paying the majority/all of this additional cost
- For soccer ages U-9 through U-19. For the age group your player would play in, please see Age Group Breakdown page
- Tryouts offered for boys and girls in every single year age group U9 through U18.
- Parents lead the charge as coaches, and yes we can train you, and reimburse you for any coach trainings/certifications/licenses.
- Practice twice a week for 1.5 hours, weekday evenings with games on the weekend.
- Fall games typically start the weekend before Labor Day through first weekend in Nov).
- U9 thru U12 boys and girls play on Saturday,
- U13 and above boys and girls play on Sunday.
- Spring games start in first weekend in April and last until first or 2nd weekend in June (depends on schedule or reschedule games)
- U9 thru U14 boys and girls play on Saturday, U15 and above boys and girls play on Sunday.
- Practices and games are conducted on RAA owned facilities – as well as satellite fields we rent/have loaned to us – Alliance, Kraybill Mennonite Elementary; West Donegal, etc
- Games are held within roughly 90 miles of E-town – varying by league and completion level - half the games are home/half away
- Teams participate in one league – Central Pennsylvania Youth Soccer League (CPYSL) – league offers multiple divisions (level of play) with the age groups
- Girls and boys abide by FIFA/USYS rules, with some league level exceptions
- Practices start roughly six weeks before the season starts - Fall - end of July; Spring - mid-March
- Open tryouts are conducted for Travel – teams are then formed from the selected players – travel teams are formed for a soccer year (Fall and Spring) with tryouts for following season taking place April/May of each year
- Teams are single gender, though girls may play on the boys’ teams – but boys cannot play on girls’ teams
- Roster sizes:
- U-9 & U-10s play 7v7 with a roster cap of 14
- U-11 & U-12’s play 9v9 with the roster capped at 16,
- U-13 and above play 11v11s with the roster capped at 22 (but only 18 can dress for game days)
- Players are required to have a complete Elizabethtown United travel soccer uniform – jerseys (home (white) & away (blue)), shorts, and socks – and a team’s uniform may carry over from season to season, can be passed down/traded – and if needed must be ordered prior to player registration. Cost of uniform is not included in registration cost. (See Uniform tab for more information Uniform Information)
- Parents provide the shin guards and shoes (sneakers/cleats – no metal spikes)
- Players need a water bottle and a desire to learn and have some fun;
- U-9 through 12 players need a #4 ball, while the U-13 and above need a #5 ball
- Travel teams typically participate in one or more tournaments/season, with the parents paying the majority/all of this additional cost
- Intramurals: In-House Shirt provided
- Recreational: (may be reused from previous season)
(duplicate player numbers are allowed, but choose wisely if your player may move over to the Travel/CPYSL league)
- 1 blue jersey
- 1 pair of blue shorts
- 1 pair of blue socks
- Travel required (may be reused from previous season)
each player must have a unique number; no duplicates
Complete uniform
- 1 blue jersey
- 1 white jersey
- 1 pair of blue shorts
- 1 pair each of blue and white socks
- 1 black training practice jersey
All teams and players will be required to purchase the new kit based on program area of play. An online store will be posted to order uniforms directly. Any orders placed will shipped to your address.
Uniform & Fanwear store is OPEN!
- Click Register to create a Sign in account. (Please use one primary email address to use for all future orders.)
- Once signed in, find our Etown United store
- use Password: EU23 to enter
Select either Travel Kit or Recreational Kit for your order. You must order ALL of the mandatory items first, before it will allow you to order single uniform items. if you are having issues, please contact us.
In-House U-6 & U-8
Soccer Ages
What’s New/Different
Soccer Positions
Soccer Age Determination Link
Policy on Players and Playing Rules
FIFA Laws of the Game Link
Small-Sided Games Rules Link
Recommended Goal Sizes Link