CPSYL Travel league
Boys and Girls divisions
birth years for 2024-2025 season are as follows:
2015/16 - U9;
2014 - U10;
2013 - U11;
2012 - U12;
2011 - U13;
2010 - U14;
2009 - U15,
2008 - U16,
2007 - U17,
2006 - U18,
2005 - U19
LARS Recreation league
boys and girls divisions -
U10, U12, U15 and U19.
Registration will open 01/12/25 and close 02/28/25. Early bird discount ends 2/09/25
Intramurals Program
U6-Boys & Girls: ages 4 and 5 (typically pre-k/kindergarten); U6 birth years: 2019 & 2020.
Registration will open 01/12/25 and close 03/11/25. Early bird discount ends 2/10/25
U8-Boys & Girls: ages 6 and 7 (typically 1st/2nd grade); U8 birth years: 2017 & 2018.
Registration will open 01/08/24 and close 03/09/25. Early bird discount ends 2/10/25
Volunteer Coaches are always needed at all age levels.
There will be a $30 Sub Sale (fundraiser) fee charged during registration. If you participate in the fundraiser selling the appropriate amount, then the $30 will be reimbursed.